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Crystal (Bay) Beach
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Crystal Beach is a small beachfront community located within the Town of Fort Erie. A small community of less than 4,000 people, Crystal Beach sees its population balloon in the summer months with cottagers and sunbathers.
From 1888 until 1989 Crystal Beach was home to The Crystal Beach Amusement Park. Situated across from Buffalo, New York, Crystal Beach was a huge tourist draw with thousands of passengers arriving daily from the American side on the steam-powered ferry "Canadiana".
Ballrooms and bathhouses made up the waterfront with Big Bands playing into the wee hours of the morning. Known for its stomach churning roller coasters, the park was a landmark in the area for over 100 years.
In 1989 the park was sold to make way for a gated community and many of the rides were sold off to other amusement parks in Canada and the U.S.
Today the community of Crystal Beach has never managed to regain the glory of those early years. The grand ballrooms and bathhouses have long disappeared. The beach itself is still open to the public and parking can be found free within walking distance of the beach.